Event Details

WHAT: How do we know what we know about China? Departing China experts Joerg Wuttke and David Rennie reflect on how expats "interpret" China, and reveal what they see in the future

WHEN: July 13, Saturday 11:30 AM -12:30 PM Beijing time (with optional no-host lunch afterwards)

WHERE: La Maison Lyonnaise 2F, 44 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing.


MORE ABOUT THE EVENT: Expats come and go in Asian cities -- and Beijing is saying farewell to two of its top China experts. Joerg Wuttke, former President of the EU Chamber of Commerce and Chief Representative of BASF China is moving to Washington, D.C. The Economist's Beijing bureau chief and columnist David Rennie is heading for London. Audience members can ask questions as the speakers reflect on the past, discuss how we interpret the present, and make fearless forecasts about the future. The conversation will be moderated by foreign correspondent Melinda Liu.

NOTE: Optionally, attendees can enjoy lunch afterwards in the downstairs restaurant. The meal will be "no host", a la carte, at the attendees' own expense. Please see the information below regarding reservations and payment.

MORE ABOUT JOERG WUTTKE: With close to four decades of China experience, Joerg Wuttke has been one of the most influential European business executives in Beijing. He was President of the EU Chamber of Commerce in Beijing for three terms and was Vice President and Chief Representative of BASF China for 25 years. Now he's re-locating to Washington D.C. to join Dentons Global Advisors-Albright Stonebridge Group as a partner.

MORE ABOUT DAVID RENNIE: One of Beijing's most highly respected Western journalists, Rennie has been Beijing Bureau Chief of The Economist and author of the "Chaguan" column since 2018. He is co-host, along with Alice Su, of the Drum Tower podcast launched in late 2022. His first posting in Beijing was from 1998 to 2002; after that he lived and worked in Sydney, Washington DC, Brussels, and London. He will return to London and will write a new weekly column on geopolitics.

HOW MUCH: RMB 120 for members of RASBJ and of partner RAS branches; RMB 220 for non-members. One welcome drink is included. You may find payment by Alipay easier than by Wechat. You can also pay by credit card. Interested in becoming an RASBJ member? Please sign up at https://rasbj.org/membership/

HOW TO JOIN THE EVENT: No later than noon on July 11, please click "Register" or "I will attend" and follow the instructions. After successful registration you will receive a confirmation email. If you seem not to have received it, please check your spam folder. Registrations for those who have not paid by July 11 may be cancelled.

Members of partner RAS Branches: Please register 72 hours in advance of the deadline to allow time for membership verification.

NOTE ABOUT THE OPTIONAL LUNCH: if you would like to join the optional "no host" lunch downstairs at La Maison Lyonnaise after the event, please contact Francis by emailing Francis.perouse@yandez.com, or phoning 13260034808, before June 11 to make a reservation. The lunch will be a la carte and at attendees' own expense, with attendees making payment directly to La Maison Lyonnaise.

REFUND POLICY: Registrants will be refunded in full if the event is cancelled or postponed by RASBJ.


  • Joerg Wuttke (Speaker)

    Joerg Wuttke


    With more than four decades of China experience, Joerg Wuttke was one of the top European business executives in Beijing. He was President of the EU Chamber of Commerce in Beijing for three terms and Vice President and Chief Representative of BASF China for 25 years. He now is re-locating to Washington D.C. to join Dentons Global Advisors-Albright Stonebridge Group as a partner.

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  • David Rennie (Speaker)

    David Rennie


    One of Beijing's most influential journalists covering China, David Rennie has been Beijing Bureau Chief of The Economist and author of the "Chaguan" column since 2018. He is co-host, along with Alice Su, of the Drum Tower podcast launched in late 2022. HIs first posting in Beijing was from 1998 to 2002; after that he lived and worked in Sydney, Washington DC, Brussels, and London. He will return to London and will write a new weekly column on geopolitics.

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  • Melinda Liu (Moderator)

    Melinda Liu


    Melinda Liu is the Beijing Bureau Chief of Newsweek Magazine and Vice President of RASBJ.

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La Maison Lyonnaise

44 Guanghua Lu
Chaoyang district

Beijing, China

If you have any questions please contact RASBJ Communications

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