Event Details



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that RASBJ will hold its Annual General Meeting ("AGM") on Saturday, 18 March 2023, at 6:00-6:30 PM at Guxi 33, No. 33 Gulouxidajie, Xicheng District, Beijing, to report on the year 2022, introduce plans for 2023 and elect Council officers. RASBJ sincerely invites all members to attend this AGM and we set forth below the issues related to Agenda and Proxy:

The Agenda of AGM is as follows:

  1. Opening remarks on 2022 by the President
  2. Report on the RASBJ business operation status of 2022 by the President
  3. Report on the RASBJ balance sheet and statement of receipts and expenditures to December 31st of 2022 and forecast on the budgeted income and expenditure for 2023 by the Treasurer
  4. Report on Membership by the Membership Secretary
  5. Report on Events by the Events Secretary
  6. Election of Officers
  7. Appointment of Auditors

The process of Proxy is as follows:

a. RASBJ members unable to attend in person are asked to appoint a proxy to attend the meeting and vote on their behalf, to ensure a quorum. A proxy may be any other RASBJ member who will attend the AGM in person; or by default the RASBJ President.

b. To appoint a Proxy, please copy the text below, and paste it into a new email; type the name of your proxy; type your name; email the completed form to: communications@rasbj.org: with subject RASBJ AGM PROXY not less than 48 hours before the AGM (based on the date and time of receipt of your email).


I (your name) โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ. being a member of Royal Asiatic Society, Beijing ("RASBJ") HEREBY APPOINT RASBJ member ____________________to be my proxy to vote for me at the Annual General Meeting ("AGM") of RASBJ members to be held on Saturday, March 18, 2023 and at any adjournment thereof. Unless I name another RASBJ member attending the AGM, the President of RASBJ will be my proxy by default.

I instruct my proxy to vote at the AGM as he/she considers fit.

Signed (type your name): _____________

Email to: communications@rasbj.org

_____RASBJ AGM 2023-FORM OF PROXY (END)_____

HOW TO JOIN THE AGM: Registration for the AGM is for RASBJ members only. Please click "Register" or "I Will Attend" and follow the instructions. After successful registration you'll receive a confirmation email. If you seem not to have received it, please check your spam folder.

PLEASE NOTE: The registration here is for the AGM proper -- your attendance and proxies submitted will help to ensure the presence of a quorum. The AGM will be followed by dinner at the same venue, for which we shall send a separate invitation with separate RSVP soon. We hope you will join us for a fun evening after the meeting! While only members may attend the AGM, we hope there will be places for guests of members to join for the dinner following.


Guxi 33

No. 33 Gulouxidajie
Xicheng district

Beijing, China

If you have any questions please contact RASBJ Communications

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