About Us

RASBJ/ 北京煌雅文化, based in Beijing, offers in-person talks, online discussions, excursions and social gatherings which explore Chinese and Asian culture, history, art, cultural heritage preservation, science and technology. Our events feature Chinese and international scholars, authors and others focusing on the peoples of China and Asia and their interactions with the rest of the world – past, present, and future.

RASBJ aims to be a bridge towards cultural understanding. Our high-quality, curated events cater to the intellectually curious; about 120 have been recorded since February 2020 and the video archive can be accessed on demand by RASBJ members. If you'd like to join as a member, please visit the Memberships page of this website. (On your phone, click on the menu at the top left corner of the screen -- the three horizontal lines -- and select Memberships. On the computer, click on the Memberships tab at the top of the screen.)
For more on RASBJ activities, please visit the Events page of this website, where you can toggle between Upcoming Events and Past Events to see what is currently open for registration, as well as activities held in the past.
March 19, Wednesday: Paul French and Hu Xinyu on Shijia Hutong (in-person; limited seating)
March 22, Saturday: RASBJ’s AGM followed by dinner at the iconic Peking Hotel, featuring Paul French (in-person)
March 26, Wednesday: Authors Arne Westad and Chen Jian with Melinda Liu on “The Great Transformation: China’s Road from Revolution to Reform”, a joint event with Yale Center Beijing (hybrid)
April 2, Wednesday: Dr. Misha Tadd on “The Daodejing through the ages” (in-person)
April 9, Wednesday: John Alekna on mass society in China (in-person)
April 26, Saturday: Books & Bubbles – a deep dive into Chinese culinary history via Nicole Mones’ novel “The Last Chinese Chef”, led by Abigail Hostetter (in-person)
May 14, Wednesday: William Lindesay on “The Great Wall of Two Williams”, with Yale Center Beijing (in-person)